It’s a cow, isn’t it? I had an idea. Make sheets from heavy paper. Double wide. A wolf. Probably. They are looking for home. That’s what they want you to do. If I cut this in the middle. You can’t cut this. I want to make a home for all these animals. If we cut it in the middle. We have to split it in fifty pieces, twenty five each. Put the number and name of each animal. Make a whole set of drawings. I’ll give you pictures of animals. I have to go to school to see if I can get a whole pile of drawings. I found them wandering around in the woods, starving to death. They don’t hunt because they are too weak. They are weak because they can’t get food. The stronger ones can eat - find some food. We can work on this a little at a time. Make a book out of it. The sheep is full of fleas. The other one scratches his head. You have to have money to get food. A bag of dreams costs five dollars. Beside that, they need water. Put them near a pond. Now they are healthy. They feel better I guess so. We can get the state to give us money to buy food. I don’t want it to be a pretend story because I love animals. A young man in his fifties, with dark hair, dressed like a farmer is going to come and help the animals. He feeds them whatever he has, some grain, water, no meat though. I don’t think they have meat. You have to let me think and go through my accounts. Corn. I’d put them in something and feed them after I checked to see if they are not in danger. Five or six but not too much because he would be ill. Have you ever had a time when you are not ill, but you run into problems? It’s all sweaty. You don’t need that, but you need music for the ears. She didn’t go far. Ten dollars. I don’t know right now; I’ve been busy getting other things going. Horses are side by side. Maybe after a while they can go hunting, not now, because they are still run down. He has more food for them. They have a hiding place about this big [she holds her hands apart two feet] where they keep the food. One of them says to the other, “Are you my mother?” She says, “Yes!” [They clap their hands and smile.] They find the hiding place and have enough food to satisfy themselves.
Henry, June, Betty, Margaret, Gretchen, Maxine
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